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Name of Honoree


Date being Recognized ( Ex. Birth, Graduation, Anniversary)

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Type of Event/Invitation

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If identifying, special people or family members is included in your package, please identify by Name & Relationship (Ex. Mary Jones--Best Friend)

Family Message up to 200 characters (Included Signature) Ex. Love--Mom & Dad

Bio or Background Information (Basic Package Only)*

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Pleae indicate the location, date, and time of each service by number (EX. 1. Funeral 2/24 3:00 Mother Mercy Funeral Home

By Title, please list up to 5 timeline events, if included in your option or as add-on upgrade to a basic package.

By number, indicate "Graduation All About Me " section highlights up to 8 included

If baby announcement, please indicate the birth facts (DOB and HWL)

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What is the due by date for your memorial page

By Number, please indicate any hobbies, extra-curricular activities, or interests

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Please send at least 12 photos with good quality or resolution. 

Please indicate where each image should be placed, if there is a preference; but identify the primary image.

If there is a video it must be linked to Facebook or YouTube. We will assist you with retrieving the URL or Embed code.

If you have an audio file please email. 

We look forward to exceeding your great expectations.


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